Course 2: Complaint Investigations and Evidence
Course 2: Complaint Investigations and Evidence
The goal of this course is to provide human care regulators information related to conducting investigations, collecting evidence, making decisions, determining rule violations, offering technical assistance, managing complaints, and suppressing illegal operations.
This course is one of four required courses for the NARA Credential. It will take approximately eight hours to complete all four modules. Each module explores important topics in understanding human care regulation.
Course Modules:
• Module 1: Why Are Complaint Investigations and Evidence Important?
• Module 2: Planning and Conducting Investigations
• Module 3: Collecting Evidence During an Investigation
• Module 4: Evaluation of Evidence and Decision Making
• Module 5: Providing Technical Assistance
• Module 6: Introduction to Managing Complaints
• Module 7: Importance of Suppressing Illegal Operations
In this course, the term government areas will be used in reference to US states, territories, tribal nations, and Canadian provinces collectively.